*Penned the evening of April 4, 2021
At the close of this Resurrection Sunday, I am exhausted.
But my heart is also overflowing with gratitude: for sunrise, for time spent with the family of God, for smiles exchanged, jokes shared, praises reported, and hugs...

For the enthusiasm of children so happy to be at church and be with people they love, the search for enough chairs, the hope for enough communion elements in the trays, and heartfelt worship lifted before the Throne...
For Bible lessons, and missions giving, and progress on projects...

For sharing, and caring, and hoping together...
For love for God and others...
For egg hunts, sweet things, and prizes...

For meeting new people and reconnecting with those we haven’t seen enough, and for shared joy in the Greatest Gift purchased on the most unjust day in history and redeemed on the greatest...

For the many folks who have made it their passion to serve their Victorious King in whatever way they can, jumping in to fill needs even right on the spot because they could, and because they delight in sharing in Kingdom tasks...
And for one very special young woman who declared her commitment to Christ right there in front of everyone because she has found that in a world turned upside down no one can be depended on like Jesus and nothing compares to Him — that it’s a wonderful thing to be “buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

When Christ rose from the dead, no human could have ever predicted the ramifications. Could anyone have imagined what happiness it would bring to country folk a half a world and two thousand millennia away, especially when so many witnesses to his victory would suffer and die in His name?
Certainly not.
But Jesus did. He knew all about it. And I think that as the day closes for us, and He watches our world turn — for He neither slumbers nor sleeps — He smiles. He loves it when we rejoice together in Him, and He awaits the Day when we will do it together in His Kingdom.
So. Do. I.
Goodnight, Friends. What a Happy Easter it has been.
To God be the Glory!